When first reading this article I was shocked to hear that a digital image that could be copied by anyone off the internet was valued so highly. I questioned why a person would be willing to spend so much money for something that isn't unique or in my opinion valuable. To me value comes from scarcity, and because there are infinite copies of this GIF, at first I saw no value.

But as I thought a little more and considered the amount of time and energy it took to create the GIF, I started to like the peice much more. I also think that it is very hard to value the creativity that it took to create the piece. So with these factors in mind, I realized that this digital work of art was very impressive and very valuable.

This also made me think about how a lot of physical modern art is greatly overpriced for the amount of effort and skill it took to create.
I think that creativity and message behind the art is what made it so much more valuable and special. I really liked how he talked about the irony behind such an expensive sculpture.

I enjoy how the article says that the internet is the museum of the future. While physical art is still very important and will always have a place in society, digital art allows so many people to access incredible works of art. There is also no limit to the type of art that can be created online which leads to more creativity and ingenuity.